Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    2. About the Process

    3. Artist's bio.

    4. Artist's Statement

    1. Portfolio of my work - Table-top scaled - Horses - (We will be making work like this in this course.)

    2. Portfolio of my work - Life-sized

    3. Portfolio of my work - Horses and people and horses in sport.

    4. Portfolio - Hounds, Foxes, and Cats

    5. Portfolio - Other animals - elephants, giraffe, mouse, etc., and misc.

    6. Some media mentions.

    1. Materials to Practice Gesture Drawing

    2. Gesture as expression and how we relate to it empathetically.

    3. Training Your Eye - The exercise of making gesture drawings.

    4. Working from a Source

    5. Assignment - A pratice in awareness.

    1. Important!

    2. Using Charcoal - Making Marks

    3. Making a gesture drawing of a plant.

    4. More thoughts on gesture drawing from Ron, retired professor of art.

    5. Assignment - share your gesture drawing of a plant.

    6. Making a gesture drawing from an object.

    7. Assignment - Share your gesture drawings of an object.

    8. Making gesture drawings outdoors from nature.

    9. Assignment - Make 10-20 gesture drawings outdoors from nature.

    1. *If you would like to work on a subject other than a horse...

    2. A look at the skeleton.

    3. Proportions

    4. The same horse in different poses

    5. About form and conformation and a bit about function

    6. Assignment - Do an analysis of a horse.

    1. Making gesture drawings of the horse from models.

    2. Making gesture drawings of the horse from life.

    3. Making gesture drawings of the horse from images

    4. Assignment - Make 10-20 gesture drawings of horses.

    5. Assignment - Understanding the structure within the body.

About this course

  • $70.00
  • 69 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content

Enjoy learning to make art in a different way as well as learning more about your horse!