Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    2. 1) What is vision anyway?

    3. 2) The Equine Eye

    1. 3) Things to consider:

    2. 4) Vet Exam

    1. 6) General Reactivity to Pay Attention To

    2. 7) Different Eye Presentations, part 2

    3. 8) Different Eye Presentations, part 3

    4. 9) Different Eye Presentations, part 4

    1. 11) What are behaviors that might indicate a vision issue?

    2. 13) Overall, keeping horses, buying horses is all a choice...

    1. 14) What I want to see before I show my money

    2. 15) How can you help these guys at home?

    3. So when do you call a vet for eye issues?

    4. In conclusion

About this course

  • $55.00
  • 16 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

In this class we cover:

Vision determines behavior, so it makes sense to learn how our horses see.

  • 1) Share information about equine eyes and how they see.

  • 2) How to start pattern-matching vision changes.

  • 3) Give examples of when you might want to bring on a veterinarian for eye issues.

  • 4) Give ways to improve your facility to cater to horses with restricted vision.

  • 5) Important safety information when working around horses with limited vision.

  • 6) Show how we get an idea of what a horse can actually see.

  • 7) Mention a few breeds more prone to vision issues.

  • 8) Reiterate that many horses do quite well with impacted vision with some adaptations.

Do You See What I See: A Class to Help Owners Think Like Their Horse

Learning about vision, isn't just for nerdy horse owners. This is the quickest way to get in synch with how your horse perceives their environment. And comes with action-items, things to ponder, and ways to help make the horse owning experience better and safer.