Course curriculum

    1. About this course

    2. About Kitty Jackson

    3. My Intention in Creating this Course

    4. Safety first!

    5. Disclamier

    1. If this is what you want...

    2. Then this is where you must start. This is the hard part.

    3. Read this more than twice! What improves the horse is almost invisible.

    4. Improving your horse one good step at a time

    1. What is collection?

    2. More about collection

    3. So how did people get so far off track in training that they skip the basics?

    4. What is Collection Quiz?

    1. The Importance of Balance

    2. What will developing your horse's balance look like?

    3. Importance of Balance Quiz

    1. Tack

    2. Your Camera or Phone

    3. Dance like no one is watching but your horse - accepting yourself when using video for self-evaluation.

    4. If you use a stick or whip.

    5. Demo - Using a stick or whip if necessary.

    6. What is the very most important piece of equipment of all?

    7. Lecture/Demo - Be Happy with Your Horse!

    8. This... Every horse is different... Revising your goals...

    9. Optional Weekly Self-evaluation Worksheets (download)

    1. Step one - Stop doing this...

    2. Your First Assignment...

    3. Every Touch Matters - Excerpt from My Horse Journal and Workbook by Kathryn Jackson

About this course

  • $175.00
  • 90 lessons

The journey to collection is easier when the map is accurate.

Most of us have never seen a balanced, correct, horse in self-carriage.

We don't have a perception of the shape, movement, and energy we are searching for when we aim our horses at 'collection.' This class will attempt to showcase what is possible thru the beginning stages of this art form.

In this class:

These are some of the many avenues we will explore together around collection, communication, fun, and play.

  • Look at some misconceptions about collection

  • Understand what self-carriage and collection are.

  • Learn the importance of your horse being in balance.

  • Become aware of some things you may be doing that are interfering with your horse's ability to balance.

  • Learn methods to ask your horse to move with you in hand.

  • Practice moving together in various in-hand exercises that will work towards self-carriage and lay the foundation for collection.

  • Build a better connection with your horse and improve how the two of you communicate.

  • Learn practices that will improve your mounted work.

Having fun, on the way to collection!

Asking our horses to find collection can be a fun way to spend some time together. It also adds healthy YEARS to their life.

Preparing Your Horse for Collection - Stage One

An introduction for us everyday horse -people to some basic concepts that are essential to helping your horse improve its balance, begin to develop self-carriage, and prepare it for collected work. While the concepts are foundational, they are often overlooked or not typically taught. Work with your horse in-hand at your own pace in this self-guided course.

Preparing your horse for collection! Many people think of a collected horse as a horse in high collection, maybe doing a canter pirouette or piaffe. They think of bent hocks and arched necks. While this may be collection, it is NOT where you start working towards collection. The internet and show ring give many examples of people pushing and pulling their horses together to look highly collected. This is unfortunately dysfunctional training and damaging to the horse in many ways. To lay the foundation for these kinds of movements you begin by allowing your horse to balance and do simpler exercises so that the horse correctly builds an ability to carry itself in a functionally sound manner. This course, “Preparing Your Horse for Collection,” helps you start the process. The instructor, Kitty Jackson, is available to answer any questions and look at video of you and your horse. The course is easy to follow, succinct, and enjoyable.