Pragmatic Herbalism Subscription

Making herbalism easy and effective.

I've been studying herbs since I was playing with sticks and mud as a child:) and I can't wait to share how plants can make our lives (and those of our horses and animal friends) better. Herbalism doesn't have to be hard. Using plants to help doesn't have to be years of study. Using plants should be easy, affordable, accessible, and nurturing. Each month you will have access to a new plant or use class, along with other suggestions to learn more. A monthly herbal events calendar will be shared. A scientific article on the featured topic will be suggested and recapped in case you have a hard time reading science-speak:) One virtual plant walk to see what's growing and available per month. Surprise bonuses and more.

What does the subscription include:

How to quickly and easily start adding in herbal helpers:

  • Monthly Class

    $100 value

    Monthly class will cover a plant, a technique, or a usage AND how to incorporate into horse life.

  • Monthly Calendar of Herb or Plant Happenings


    These will be US-focused to start, but as we get other participants, more geographic areas will be included.

  • References and Resources


    Three specific suggestions for where to learn more that is deemed legit. Don't waste your time learning incorrect information (AI crap). And a scientific paper as a suggestion, with recap available.

Our Pragmatic Herbalism Subscription is not going to be fancy:)

But it is going to be easy to learn, easy to absorb, and give you confidence to start adding in herbs to your routine. The program is designed to keep cost and time low.

  • Classes are going to be informal and not full of sciency-words that are hard to understand.

  • All effort will be made to explain everything in a way that is easy to grasp.

  • There will be bonuses scattered throughout the life of the subscription.

  • Herbal questions will be answered, however DIAGNOSING or PRESCRIBING will not be happening.

Liability and Waiver

Legal Stuff

Liability Statement: By purchasing you fully understand and release from any perceived harm that might occur from following any education shared by Meeting Place Equine, Becky Howell, and /all affiliates, partners, and heirs. You understand that this information is for educational purposes only, that Becky Howell and Meeting Place Equine are not licensed medical doctors, do not diagnose or treat diseases, and that medical, diagnostic or treatment procedures are not being dispensed under our purview. Nothing shared is intended to take the place of qualified professional medical care, including the diagnosed treatment of named diseases. Please consult your medical care provider before using herbal medicine, particularly if you have a known medical condition or if you are pregnant or nursing. You understand you are responsible for your own health, your family's, and your animals. As with conventional medicine, herbal medicine is vast and complex, and must be used responsibly. People and animals react differently to different remedies. Some herbs are contraindicated with certain pharmaceutical drugs.  Further, some helpful herbs may be confused with harmful and/or deadly substances. You agree that you and your heirs, guardians, legal representatives and assigns will not make claim or file any action against Becky Howell, Meeting Place Equine, any partners, affiliates, partners or associates for injury or damage resulting from negligence or other acts. If you do not understand the purpose of this subscription series, get in touch before purchase. If you do NOT agree to use any information contained in here, then you do not have permission to purchase - please find another herbal pogram.